Miami Dermatology & Skin Care


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Moles services in Miami, FL

Nearly everyone has at least one mole, and while many are harmless, it only takes one abnormal skin growth to jeopardize your skin health. At Miami Dermatology & Skin Care in Miami, Florida, board-certified dermatologist and dermatopathologist Carlos Ricotti, MD, provides comprehensive care for moles that includes skin cancer screenings, lesion removal, and biopsies. Schedule an appointment by phone or book a visit online to receive a proper mole evaluation.

Moles Q&A

What are moles?

Moles are clusters of melanin (pigment-producing cells) that form skin growths. Also called nevi, moles can develop anywhere on the body. They can range in shape, size, and color. Some moles are brown, black, or even blue, while others are tan or skin-colored. 

Unlike freckles, moles are usually raised on the skin. They develop deep in the skin’s layers and can change in appearance over time.

Am I more likely to get skin cancer if I have many moles?

People with 50 or more moles are more likely than others to develop skin cancer because the skin cells are highly active and at an increased risk of mutating. A family history of melanoma or atypical moles can also raise your risk of skin cancer. Atypical moles are typically larger than an eraser head, oddly shaped, and multicolored.

What is the difference between regular moles and melanoma?

A comprehensive skin cancer screening from a board-certified dermatologist is the only way to distinguish between a melanoma and a nonmelanoma mole. However, there are a few features that set these growths apart.

Most moles are round and symmetrical with smooth edges. To spot a potentially cancerous mole, follow the ABCDEs of skin cancer:

  • A (asymmetry)
  • B (border irregularity)
  • C (color variation)
  • D (diameter larger than 6mm)
  • E (evolving appearance)

If you have any of the above signs of melanoma, schedule a screening with your dermatologist at Miami Dermatology & Skin Care.

Are benign moles dangerous?

Most moles are benign (noncancerous), but that doesn’t mean they can never turn cancerous. If you have any abnormal moles, your board-certified dermatologist at Miami Dermatology & Skin Care recommends visiting for more frequent skin cancer screenings. 

During these visits, your dermatologist examines your skin for suspicious marks and growths and takes photos to refer back to at your next visit. Any changes may warrant a mole biopsy for further testing.

What are the treatments for moles?

Most moles don’t require treatment, though some people opt to remove them for cosmetic purposes. If you’re unhappy with your mole’s appearance, or your dermatologist suspects it may turn cancerous, they may perform one or more of the following:

  • Surgical excision
  • Shave excision
  • Freezing
  • Laser or radiofrequency therapy

Most moles are harmless, but proper care and monitoring from an experienced dermatologist can help protect your skin and detect potential issues early on. Call Miami Dermatology & Skin Care today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.